Brought to you by BCP Council
Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity (Multi-Agency)
25/04/2022 10:00 - 13:00
Virtual - via Teams

The development of our sexual orientation and gender identity can be a confusing time as we discover who we are. Some of our development is the same no matter who we are. Other parts of our development are part of our individuality. Stonewall estimate that between 5% and 7% of the population identified themselves as lesbian, gay or bi. Stonewall estimate that 1% of the population might identify as trans. What is the impact of sexual orientation and gender identity on children and young people? How do they define their sexual orientation and gender identity and how can you support them?

This course is available to BCP Children's Services staff and BCP Multi-Agency partners.

Course Objectives:

  • Understanding biological sex, sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity.
  • How can you talk to a young person about their sexual orientation?
  • What emotional issues face LGBT+ people?
  • How to respond and support people who come out

Cost: £40 charge per person for all non-BCP Children's Service staff.

Facilitator: Charlotte Gordon

Please book via CPD online here.