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Talent management

Talent Management

We consider identifying and nurturing talent at an early stage in a career is essential for the longer term stability of our workforce and retention of staff.

Our New Manager programme aims to support those staff who wish to develop their careers further and prepare non-managerial staff for team management roles.

The programme supports both Continued Professional Development (CPD) and progression within the organisation through an introduction to team building, supervision and managerial skills for those who aspire to become Assistant Team Managers or a Team Manager. The programme is a combination of social work focussed management responsibilities led by the Children’s Services Partnership Academy and core leadership and management skills led by our Corporate Human Resources Learning and Development Team.

The programme constitutes 10 delivered sessions specific to service requirements and e-learning modules which support Children’s Social Care on the Department of Education’s Post Qualifying Standards for Child and Family Practice Supervisors and core people management skills for leaders and managers.

The programme offers:

  • a mixture of formal and informal training and self-learning opportunities
  • supports ongoing learning and development with one to one coaching and mentoring
  • group Action Learning Sets to those who complete the programme and move into a management role.

We support our staff be through coaching and mentoring opportunities for those who wish to develop their careers further within children's services - linking with experienced managers outside of your service area can provide a good opportunity to learn and progress your practice and performance at all levels.

We encourage professional development through opportunities to link with other agencies and organisations outside of the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area to share learning and improvement both regionally and nationally.