Brought to you by BCP Council
Working with Child Sexual Abuse
04/10/2022 09:30 - 16:30
BCP Queens Park Learning Centre, East Way, Bournemouth, BH8 9PU

This one day course forms part of the Sexual Abuse programme which is comprised of 4 days of training focusing different areas of Sexual Abuse.

This course is open to Frontline Practitioners within Children's Social Care and Early Help.

This course will help participants to gain an understanding of the impact of sexual abuse on child development as well as the potential long-term consequences for them in adulthood.

To enhance knowledge and delivery of practitioner skills by maintaining professional curiosity.

Course outcomes:

  • Identify attitudes and bias within the field of sexual abuse
  • Describe the ‘normal' stages of child development and sexual behaviours
  • List the signs and symptoms of sexual abuse
  • Identify trauma related behaviours and responses
  • Understand the child's journey of a sexual abuse disclosure
  • Adopt a more enquiring approach to child abuse disclosures
  • Practice skills to manage these when working directly with children

Cost: £75 charge per person for all non-BCP Children's Service staff.

Venue: A Hearing Loop is installed at this venue. There is no parking on site during school hours.

Facilitator: Lindsey Dickinson supported by Jacinta Guilhermino

Please book via CPD Online here