Brought to you by BCP Council

Virtual School and College

Virtual School and College (VSC)

The BCP Council Virtual School and College (VSC) provides a central point of contact for all matters relating to the education of Children in Care (CIC) and Care Experienced Young People (CEYP).

The Virtual School and College also provides advice and guidance to those who are previously looked after. It safeguards and promotes the educational best interests of all Children in Care (CIC) and Care Experienced Young People (CEYP) from Pre-school years (starting from the term after the child is aged two although were appropriate support will be given regarding nursery placements for those younger than two) to Year 13 who attend in early years settings, schools, colleges or alternative provisions.

This is a proactive role aimed at increasing the educational opportunities and life chances for Children in Care (CIC) and Care Experienced Young People (CEYP). This recognises the disadvantage they may well have experienced before coming into care or may continue to experience.

The Virtual School and College team is led by a headteacher and assistant head teacher, who support all stakeholders across the education system. This includes everyone involved in the child’s education such as foster carers, social workers, educational psychologists, youth justice team, SEND team and residential childcare staff.

The Virtual College supports all Children in Care (CIC) and Care Experienced Young People (CEYP) during Years 12 and 13 and oversees twice yearly Post-16 Personal Education Plan (PEP) meetings.

The Virtual College also identifies and supports young people who are Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET) in Years 12 or 13 or identified as being at risk of this during Year 11.

The team also works with admissions authorities (both in and out of the BCP area) to ensure that Children in Care (CIC) and Care Experienced Young People (CEYP) are a priority for admission to a school or college rated ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted.

The Virtual College promotes partnership working between schools and the local authority to avoid permanent exclusion and reduce the risks that the child or young person will experience as a consequence of an exclusion.

A multi-agency conference, chaired by the virtual head or assistant head, will be held when any Children in Care (CIC) and Care Experienced Young People (CEYP) is at risk of permanent exclusion.

The Virtual College team also work alongside the SEND service to ensure that the SEND Code of Practice is adhered to in the case of Children in Care (CIC) and Care Experienced Young People (CEYP).